In the year of 1900 an English scientist,
Frederick Gowland Discovered something interesting. He fed some rats on special
food mixture containing purified carbohydrates,
fat, proteins and minerals all the substances known to necessary for healthy life After a few weeks the rats were dead.
However , a
second group of rates was given exactly
the same food mixture, plus a very small
amount of milk. They flourished. Apparently the milk contained something extra
which the rats needed. We now know that this extra something was vitamins ;
VITAMINS are organic substance needed in the diet. Each
has a specific job to do. If any of them
missing from the diet we become ill and may die. They are in needed only small
amount and therefore MICRONUTRIENTS.
vitamins are known by letters A,B,C,D,E,K, etc this way of naming them was
introduced before their chemical structure was known. It still used though we
can now give them proper chemical name as
for vitamins to do their
jobs they must be in solution form some of them dissolve in water others in fat
this is one of many reasons why we need
water and fat in our diet.
this next we shall deep in the
importance of vitamins.