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this how  sunday  law is coming

Sunday Law News Update


International Salvation Army calls for Climate Justice by KEEPING SUNDAY! (October 2015)

"The call to climate justice is deeply rooted in biblically based Christian convictions. The scriptures provide a wealth of reasons why Christ followers simply cannot ignore this crisis. The following points are drawn from the Evangelical Climate Initiative, a group of senior evangelical leaders in the United States who are convinced it is time to seriously address the problem of global warming
... It could be the most radical thing a church can do for environmental stewardship-to commit to keeping the Sabbath."
Yes, they say to keep the 'Sabbath', but their sabbath is Sunday. And who also is pushing the link between combating 'climate change' and Sunday rest? The pope! It's coming friends. Now is the time to BE READY in Jesus Christ.
Article: Link

Bill put forward again to Propose making Sunday a day of rest in Israel (September 2015)

"Jewish Home party MK Yinon Magal has tabled a bill that would make Sunday an official day off in Israel, in a move that is likely to reignite debate over the somewhat controversial topic."
We can see how far reaching the Papacy's plans are with regards to the Sunday law, now that lawmakers in Israel are even trying to push for Sunday rest. There might be some opposition to it now. But Satan will find a way to quiet that opposition. The Sunday law is coming friends!
News Article: Link

Italian Bishop urges CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles to shut down on Sundays (August 2015)

"An Italian bishop has written an open letter to the CEO of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles calling for the closing of its plant in Melfi from 10:00 PM on Saturdays to 10:00 PM on Sundays."
News Article: Link

Pope Francis pushing the 'importance of Sunday rest' and speaks against being a 'slave to work' (August 2015)

"A day of rest and prayer each week are sacred Pope Francis has said in his weekly meeting at the Vatican noting that Sunday is a day the family can enjoy one another and not be slaves to work ... Moments of rest, especially on Sunday, are sacred because in them we find God, said the Pope, noting that the Sunday Eucharist brings to celebrations Jesus' grace."
And so the push for Sunday observance continues. You will notice that some countries like the UK are trying to push for EXTENDED working hours on Sundays. If this happens, and it is a big IF. Don't be surprised to see Satan causing worse things to happen in these countries to make it appear as if working on Sundays is the cause of the trouble. Then the pope will be able to say 'I told you so', and persuade the governments to enforce a Sunday law ... 'for the better of families and society'.
News Article: Link

Churches, Trade Unions and Retailers unite to OPPOSE extending Sunday trading laws (August 2015)

"Overhauling Sunday trading laws will damage the 'fabric of our society' and threaten family life for no economic gain, churches, trade unions and retailers insist today. The Church of England has joined forces with Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers (Usdaw) and small businesses in a combined attack on ministers' plans to overhaul Sunday trading laws."
Notice how the trade unions unite with the churches concerning the issue of Sunday rest. Remember Ellen White spoke of how the 'labor unions' would be used in bringing about the time of trouble (Sunday law)? It's coming friends.
News Article: Link

Trade Union seeking to end work on Sunday in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil (July 2015)

"The new board of the Federation of Workers in Commerce and Mato Grosso do Sul Services - Fetracom / MS, which represents more than 100,000 workers in the state, sworn in on Friday, is proposing to end the work in the trade Sundays in MS."
News Article: Link

A Secular Sabbath rest now being Pushed! (May 2015)

"You need & deserve a secular sabbath - Perhaps it's no surprise that more and more people, whatever their religion, or lack of religion - are turning to the ancient idea of the Sabbath. Even God, after all, rested on the seventh day ... In Silicon Valley, more and more techies observe what they call an 'Internet Sabbath,'' going completely off-line every week from Friday evening to Monday morning."
Do you see how widespread this is becoming friend? Do you think it will be a problem to convince unbelievers to take a day off once a week (Sunday)? I don't think it will, as more and more people are embracing 'some kind' of sabbath rest.
Article: Link

Cyprus Government approves law to restrict Sunday shopping (May 2015)

"The House of Representatives has approved, by majority vote, legislation restricting opening hours for shops on Sundays. The changes, which have been blasted by pro-business groups, means that shopping malls, department stores and supermarkets will be forbidden from opening on Sundays."
News: Link
UPDATE ON CYPRUS: Sunday shopping ban to be deffered until November due to public outcry. Link

Catholic Bishops in Uraguay push for 'Workers Rights' .... meaning Sunday Rest! (April 2015)

[TRANSLATED] "Protect workers' rights, men and women: this is the call made by the Bishops of Uruguay, in a note, in view of the International Labour Day ... Sunday, day of rest to be dedicated to God and family ... This accelerated time and agitated, that often get room for meeting and deteriorates the quality of our relationships with others, with us, with the creation and with God, emphasising the importance of Sunday rest as time of praise to the creator, family time, encounter and quiet, stress the prelates in the note."
Article: Link

Lord's Day Alliance USA says: Sunday is a 'MARK' of Christian Unity (April 2015)

"By definition, each and every Sunday is a call to Christian unity since it is on this day that we are called to communion with the Lord, by the Lord ... In order to fully appreciate Sunday as a mark of Christian unity we must expand our definition of unity."
What is the one thing that Rome can unite all professed Christians under? SUNDAY! The Sunday law is coming friends.
Article: Link

Protest march Organized by Business and Trade Unions on the Streets of Athens, against Sunday trade (April 2015)

"Protesters gathered at Ermou Street and marched through the streets of Athens passing in front of open shops to condemn Sunday trade ... [TRANSLATED] - With concentration and massive March through the streets of Athens Sunday afternoon completed the demonstration organized by sectoral and business clubs in trade and services, associations of Self-employed and Grassroots Committees of the municipality of Athens, in the framework of the nationwide strike in the Trade, with the demand for enshrining the holiday on Sunday."
News Article: Link and Here

Chile enacts law to ensure Sunday rest for Commerce Workers (April 2015)

[TRANSLATED] "The president of Chile, Michelle Bachelet promulgated the law governing working hours of workers trade initiative that establishes Sunday rest, in addition to the two monthly employees have this item seven Sundays a year ... He also said that the new legislation is the result of joint and coordinated between representatives of workers and employers in commerce and supermarkets and the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, in order to develop proposals that go in improving the system of work and Sunday rest, as well as productivity and organization of the working day of the sector."
News Article: Link

US Senator asks for a Bill to Mandate SUNDAY Church Attendance! (March 2015)

"Senator Sylvia Allen, while discussing a gun bill, proposed the idea of mandating church attendance on Sundays to 'bring back the soul of the country'."
You will notice in the video that the senator says you can choose your own religion/church, but the church attendance needs to be on Sunday. So could Rome's ploy with regards to the first stage of the Sunday law be to say to true sabbath keepers .... you can keep your sabbath, but you need to go to church on Sunday ... in a bid to deceive and lull sabbath keepers into taking the mark? We know there are already some Seventh-day Adventist churches holding Sunday services now. Please stay alert and stay true to your God!

Anchor Sunday as the Weekly day of rest Common in the European Union (March 2015)

"The ongoing public consultation of the European Commission on the Working Time Directive take alliances and initiatives for the free Sunday throughout Europe ... We are all called to commit ourselves as part of the revision of the Working Time Directive for Sunday as the weekly day of rest common in the EU ... The work-free Sunday as a common day of rest is essential manifestation of the European social model and should therefore also be anchored in the Working Time Directive, says Bishop Ludwig Schwarz."
News Article: Link

EU Catholic Bishops meet with EU Commission President and Vice-President to Discuss 'Work Programme' (March 2015)

"During their Spring Plenary Assembly from 18 to 20 March 2015 in Brussels, the bishops of COMECE had the opportunity to meet with the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and his First Vice-President, Frans Timmermans, and to discuss the work programme of the Commission for the coming years ... this meeting between EU Catholic Bishops and President Juncker and Vice-President Timmermans was a clear signal of a strong interest of the EU Commission to pursue the dialogue with Churches ... the Bishops also met with two high level civil servants of the Commission."
News Article: Link

Declaration Signed in Poland by Catholics, Orthodox and Evangelicals to Protect Sunday (January 2015)

"A significant part of this year's Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Churches was a joint appeal for respect for Sunday. Signed up to the present in Poland Churches of all traditions: Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic. Church leaders remind workers and employers that the free Sunday is essential to deepen their faith, family life and human health. Authorities representing the right to call so its protection, noting that forcing believers to work on Sunday violates the right to freedom of religion."
News Article: Link and Here

UNIONS UNITE to prevent opening of Shops in Jaragua do Sul, Brazil on Sundays (December 2014)

"On the afternoon of 16 December, the trade union movement CUT of every state, representatives of the National Confederation of Workers in Commerce and Services - CONTRACS and the Federation of Workers in Commerce and Services of Santa Catarina - FECESC, marched through the city and talked with the population and the commerce asking everyone to press the 11 city councilors, to vote contrary to Bill 174 proposes that free time to the local shops."
We knew that Ellen White would be right when she said the trade unions would be a force in pushing the Sunday law. But it's nice also to see it confirmed. The trade unions are uniting all over the world in support of the Sunday law.
News Article: Link

Hungarian Government passes the Sunday Closure bill, Initiated by CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS (December 2014)

"On Tuesday, representatives in Hungary passed a controversial Sunday shopping ban affecting large-sized retailers, initiated by Christian Democrats KDNP, the junior partner in the governing coalition and later endorsed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban."
News Article: Link

Government enforces Sunday rest law for Businesses in Santa Fe, Argentina (December 2014)

"On Tuesday santafe government enacted the law that restores the mandatory Sunday rest for clerks. You must have the support of municipal councils ... In article 1 states that 'commercial and / or services in the province of Santa Fe establishments must remain closed on Sundays.'"
News Article: Link

Archbishop of Milan Pushes Sunday law with TRADE UNIONS in Italy (December 2014)

"The archbishop of Milan visiting traders Union launches into an impassioned defense of Sunday at home for the workers. 'The rest is a crucial element for our existence'."
Ellen White said that the trade unions would be used to help bring about the Sunday law, and we can see the effort that the Roman Catholic Church are making in pushing the 'Sunday rest' issue with the unions. Prophecy is being fulfilled friends. We need to BE READY!
News Article: Link

German unions and churches win Sunday shopping fight to tighten rules (December 2014)

"While neighbouring France rolled out plans this week to loosen restrictions on Sunday work hours, Germany is tightening rules on the few businesses that had been allowed to open. The country's ban on stores trading on Sundays, which stretches back to 1919, was enshrined in the West German constitution after World War 2. Unions and churches oppose any effort to relax regulations ... Last month, Germany's top court ordered the state of Hesse to stop letting libraries, video stores and lottery sellers operate on Sundays."
News Article: Link

Hungary Christian Democrats submit bill on mandatory Sunday rest day (November 2014)

"Hungarian lawmakers to vote on Sunday shopping ban as gov't backs bill ... If the bill submitted by the ruling Fidesz party's minor ally is passed by Hungarian lawmakers, the general rule for businesses from 15 March 2015 will be the following:
- opening hours on working days are from 6 A.M. to 10 P.M.
- on Sundays and holidays businesses must be closed
- stores may be open on five Sundays a year between 6 A.M. and 10 P.M.
- stores may be open between 6 A.M. and noon on 24 December and on 31 December
News Article: Link

Israel Stock Exchange Plan to Close on Sunday and work on Friday (September 2014)

"The Monday through Friday work week is coming to Israel - at least at the stock market. In the coming days, the management of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange will present a plan to members that would have the exchange close on Sunday, and the current Friday day off would become a regular work day ... The directors of the TASE support the plan, and reports in the media quote stock exchange officials as saying that the idea has strong support among members."
Not in Israel surely? Yes, in Israel too!
News Article: Link

'The Lord's Day Alliance' in America is Pushing for People to Lobby for a Sunday Rest Law (September 2014)

"Second, we can lobby for and practice in our lives and even corporate life the maintenance of a Lord’s Day asking, what would Jesus do on this day? As the LDA finds its voice in a society that is hungry for its message it can best do this in alliance with others ... Such could lead to work with the United Nations Advisory Committee on Environmental Sabbath/World Day of Rest. And, there are almost endless possibilities of engagement with the Labor Sabbath movement and Marketplace Ministries ... In other words, if we look around we might find many who would rally to an alliance of the Lord’s Day and its integration of spirituality with social justice, as we find our voice and our place in challenging times."
With all the troubles in the world now, and with the world looking to Pope Francis for a 'solution', we could soon see the Sunday issue being pushed in the spotlight a lot more as a 'solution' to the world's woes.
Article: Link

What Pope Francis Would Say to Obama: Let Workers Unionize (September 2014)

"On March 27 of this year, Pope Francis and President Barack Obama met to discuss, among other topics, their shared concern about the moral and economic crisis of growing income inequality ... And more recently, Pope Francis called on the faithful to fight for social benefits, a dignified retirement, holidays, rest and freedom for trade unions. All of these issues create social justice ... I hope the president will now go further and allow these federal contract workers the freedom to form a union and bargain collectively with their employers."
Remember the link that Ellen White made between trade unions and the time of trouble (Sunday law)? Friends, prophecy is being fulfilled to the letter. The Roman Catholic Church is rising to power again, especially with pope Francis, the Jesuit! It's time to BE READY. Give your all each day to Christ Jesus.
News Article: Link

Ikea France convicted for Violation of the Sunday Rest Law (July 2014)

"A court has convicted Ikea's French branch for violations of the Sunday rest. It has been fined 120,000 euro in damages which it has to pay 8 employees, but the cost could surge to 30 million euro ... Eight employees, from its Paris Nord 2 store, finally took the company to court and got FO's support, a socialist labour union. The judge has now agreed with the plaintiffs and awarded them 3,500 to 34,000 euro each, depending on the number of Sundays they had to work."
News: Link

Pope Francis says No-Work Sundays are Good for all People, not just Christians (July 2014)

"Pope Francis has lamented the abandoning of the traditionally Christian practice of not working on Sundays, saying it has a negative impact on families and friendships."
You will see this argument all the time now. God is pushed in the background and the focus is becoming all about SOCIETY. It's difficult I suppose to push the obedience angle, because keeping Sunday isn't being obedient anyway. But more and more we are seeing this great push for families and society from a humanistic approach.
News: Link

Israel Justice Minister backs proposal for Saturday-Sunday weekend (June 2014)

"Justice Minister Tzipi Livni announced Monday that she will support legislation proposed by Energy and Water Minister Silvan Shalom to institute a two-day weekend in Israel, including Sunday ... This is the right move, Livni said in her remarks at the opening of a Lobby for Religion and State event."
News: Link


"The Catholic Church has been recovering this teaching at least since 1998, when Pope John Paul II published his apostolic letter Dies Domini ... Last October, about 250 bishops met in Rome for a conference on the movement called the New Evangelization, which focuses on reawakening faith in those already baptized. One of their conclusions was, Even though there is a tension between the Christian Sunday and the secular Sunday, Sunday needs to be recovered - in keeping, they wrote, with John Paul's Dies Domini."
And what did John Paul II say in 'Dies Domini'? ... "Therefore, also in the particular circumstances of our own time, Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday holy." Friends, the Sunday law is coming! Be ready!
News article: Link

Hundreds of People Protest Shops Opening on Sunday in Athens, Greece and Block Access to Shops (April 2014)

"Some 500 protesters closed access to shops on a central street in the northeast part of the capital on Sunday, where banners were raised reading 'Never on Sunday'. The demonstrators also called on the people not to shop."
When you have the people protesting shops and businesses opening on Sunday, then Rome has the perfect situation ready for their mark.
News Article: Link

Trade and Industry Board Members Support Sunday Rest Bill as Shops Close in Argentina (April 2014)

"Members of the Board of the Centre for Trade and Industry (CCI), showed their commitment to bill submitted by the legislator Julian Moon through which the closure of shops on Sundays is sought to ensure, in this manner, the rest of the workers ... We are extremely pleased to promote the closure of shops on Sunday, a move that will be the basis to recover the values ??of harmony, solidarity and respect among the members of our people ... It is important to recover the Sunday rest to humanize working relationships, revitalize family relationships, encourage spiritual life and give back to society the ability to enjoy their free time, so we welcome the provincial legislature concerned this point."
News Article: Link

EUROPEAN TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION Pushing for Sunday law in Europe (April 2014)

"The protection of a work-free Sunday is of paramount importance for workers health, and has a greater impact on workers health and well being compared to any other work free day."
Didn't Ellen White say that the trade unions would have a big part to play in all of this?
Now we know that Revelation 13 confirms that it is America who causes the world to take the mark of the beast, but what is happening in Europe is all part of Satan's plan. And with Pope Francis' popularity rising incredibly in America we are soon to see some interesting developments happen in the USA soon. Keep watching friends.
Article: Link

Deal Reached to Give Israelies one Sunday as a day of rest every Month (February 2014)

MKs Silvan Shalom (Likud), Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home), and Rabbi Shai Piron (Yesh Atid) have reached an agreement in the ongoing initiative to introduce Sunday as a day off from work and school, according to Channel 10. The catch: free Sundays would only be once per month."
One step at a time!
News article: Link

State Council in France Rules that Sunday Opening Goes Against 'the Principles of a Weekly day of Rest' (February 2014)

"DIY STORES across France will not be allowed to open on Sundays, after the Conseil d'Etat suspended a government decree following a complaint from trade unions ... The judgement went on to say that Sunday opening went against the principles of a weekly day of rest that is guaranteed in the constitutional rights of employees and that this right is exercised in principle on Sundays ... Unions have welcomed the Conseil d'Etat's ruling."
Notice the support from the unions? Didn't Ellen White say that the unions would have a part to play in this? Keep watch friends, we are getting close! And give your ALL to Christ Jesus now.
News article: Link

European Sunday Alliance Pledge to Commit Politicians into LEGISLATING Sunday Rest (January 2014)

"The European Sunday Alliance officially launched a Pledge for a work-free Sunday and decent work, ahead of the European elections 2014. The Pledge is aimed at committing European politicians to the promotion of a common weekly day of rest as well as a legal framework guaranteeing sustainable working time patterns based on the principle of decent work."
Pledge Document: Click Here

15th Annual World 'Sabbath' Interfaith Service [SUNDAY] - The Interfaith 'Holy Day' (January 2014)

"The World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation - the interfaith holy day of Peace and Reconciliation among all religions, races, ethnic groups and nations ... The World Sabbath, held on the last Sunday afternoon in January, begins with a Jewish youth blowing the shofar, a Muslim youth chanting the Muslim Call to Prayer, followed by middle school, high school and college youth giving additional prayers for world peace from many other religions; for example; Jain, Buddhist, Baha'i, Zoroastrian, Christian, Hindu, Native American, Sikh, Quaker, and Unitarian faith traditions."
News article: Link

European Bishops Demand Respect for Sunday Rest with Support of Trade Unions (January 2014)

"The Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the EU countries - in partnership with the European Alliance on Sunday, which adhere politicians, trade unions, religious, family associations ... We all have the same goal: to protect Sunday as a common day of rest."
Article: Link

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